
Day 1 of 100 Days of Code! https://wes.today/100doc-2021-day1/
I started working on my 100 Days of Code project, Neutron. Today was Day 0, and was mostly about setting up the platform and roughing out connections between devices. https://wes.today/100doc-2021-...
I wrote about how Saving an i3 Workspace Layout, which I use for my security monitor in my office.
I'm getting ready to start my 100 Days of Coding challenge. Last year I only made it to day 14, I plan on doing much better this time :) 100 Days of Coding - 2021 Edition
I wrote a blog post about how I use Syncthing on NixOS
I spent the last week assessing what all needs done in my new role, here’s what I found. A lot. I’m going to busy for a while here and I couldn’t be more excited about it!
Started my new job at Druva this week! WOOT!
Friday was my last day at Nutanix. It was an incredibly difficult decision but I’m excited about what the future holds! https://wes.today/on-nutanix/
Started working on my Python Desk Controller software again. Will be pulling in things from Sonos, Hue, Plex, and Hikvision (using cam motion API to pop up feeds on display). Will also have a clien...
I wrote a blog post about my journey with Nutanix. It started almost ten years ago with a Tweet and took me to where I am today. What an awesome world we live in! https://wes.today/on-nutanix/
I wrote a blog post about my experience this far with Polywork. https://wes.today/polywork/
Met with IDC analysts
Gigaom Radar Report - Nutanix Objects Briefing
Recorded a Camp Fire Chat with Veeam & Nutanix: Effortless Public Cloud Data Protection, airing on 8/24 with live panel for Q&A. Unfortunately I won't be able to join the panel since I will be star...
Wrote a blog posts about my experiences thus far as a Technical Marketing Engineer and what a cool job it is. It's one of those jobs that aren't as well known, pays very well, and let's you build y...
Launched my website redesign, it's super simple, no formatting really. Just text and links. https://wes.today
Posted a blog post about my feelings on the vaccine, particularly my family's lack of getting it. CW: Language, Politics https://wes.today/tired/
Wrote some error handling for Tapes.WTF tonight. Coming together pretty well.
Started the redesign of my personal website for the thousandth time.
Spent some time bug testing for Tapes.WTF. Turns out, I’m pretty good at breaking things! Lots of GitHub issues were opened! I’m excited to get this project to a point where I can share with the wo...
Joined the iOS Polywork Beta program, looking pretty good so far!
I spent a lot of my free hours this weekend really honing in on my live music library management app Tapes.WTF. It's far from user facing, but right now it's able to query against the original sour...
I added the Self-Love Advocate badge today, not because I’m awesome at that myself, but because I want to be better at it and help share that with other folks. Be good to yourself and others. You’r...
Presented on a Veeam and Nutanix Mine Webinar
Last week me and two team members launched a re-design of Nutanix Bible. I used to use the Nutanix Bible when I was a customer, so it was really awesome to get to be part of the team that got to wo...